Becoming an Accredited Entity and/or Registered Certifier allows you to assess and provisionally approve developers’ applications to connect to Unitywater’s non-trunk infrastructure.

Unitywater will not be accepting accreditation applications until further notice. Instead, we'll concentrate on upskilling and increasing the competency of existing Accredited Entities and Registered Certifiers, as well as improving the Accreditation and Certification System. The current number of Accredited Entities and Registered Certifiers can be found on the Accreditation Register.

The accreditation process

Businesses and individuals with a level of knowledge or practical experience with land development and the processes for connection to water supply and sewerage networks in South East Queensland are invited to apply to become an Accredited Entity, Registered Certifier, or both.

If your application is accepted and training is completed successfully, you will be accredited for 2 years, with renewal subject to satisfactory performance.

We will not be accepting accreditation applications until further notice.

Timeline for accreditation

Submit application

Application assessed
Unitywater will notify you of the outcome within 20 working days.

Successful applicants undertake up to 28 hours of training. This must be completed within 90 days.

Once training is successfully completed, you'll sign the relevant Deed and we'll appoint you.
Commence certifying

You are listed on our Accreditation Register and start submitting Certification Packages.

Ongoing monitoring

We continue to monitor and coach your performance.

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Read FAQs about who can be accredited and what training is involved.
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Reference Library

Go to the Reference Library for Accreditation and Certification manuals and deeds.