Unitywater infrastructure and maps

Detailed Infrastructure Plan (DIP) 

The existing infrastructure map shows you the location of our water and sewerage infrastructure and detailed information on location levels. If you still need an official document you can request a Detailed Infrastructure Plan (DIP) online in My Account. This has the same information as the online map. There is a cost for a DIP and a 5-day turnaround.  

Log in to My Account

Drawing standards and templates

Ensure your development application is assessed as quickly as possible by providing high quality information and drawings of what you plan to construct.

After construction, you must also ensure that any drawings you provide of the infrastructure you constructed comply with our record-keeping standards. This is a pre-requisite for you receiving your certificate of completion as this information is critical for Unitywater’s ongoing maintenance and management of the network.

The Connections Administration Manual has more information on documentation requirements.

Connections Administration Manual (PDF)

Policies, codes and manuals 

Current legislation requires that your obtain Unitywater’s approval before any work can commence on new connections, disconnections, or alteration of existing connections to Unitywater’s water or sewerage networks.

The following documents outline the application process, approval conditions for new connections, and may assist you in preparing your application and undertaking your project. 

Netserv, SEQ Code, Unitywater’s Infrastructure Standards and Products

Our Netserv Plan presents Unitywater’s business strategies for managing our growth and investment. .

Appendix B of the Unitywater Water Netserv Plan contains information about both Planning Assumptions and the Schedule of Works.

The Netserv Plan Planning Assumptions are also shown within an interactive map. They include network demand and demographic planning assumptions.

The Schedule of Works maps are available to view within our interactive map. They show future plans for trunk infrastructure to meet growth projections and land use assumptions. They help developers who are planning long-term or large-scale projects. 

Their purpose is to inform Unitywater's participating councils, customers and developers of our plans for delivery of trunk water supply and sewerage infrastructure. This infrastructure will serve planned growth in the Unitywater service area in accordance with the South East Queensland Regional Plan and the Planning Schemes of the participating councils (i.e, Moreton Bay Regional Council, Sunshine Coast Council and Noosa Council). 

The South East Queensland Water Supply and Sewerage Design and Construction Code (or the SEQ Code) is applicable to all planning, designing and/or constructing of water supply and sewerage infrastructure that will be owned by one of the SEQ water service providers. It is of interest to developers, engineers, consultants, constructors, product suppliers, State government, local government, etc.

The SEQ Code includes:

  • a listing of products and materials accepted for use within the SEQ water industry

  • design criteria for water supply and sewerage assets

  • separate codes for planning, design and construction of:

  • water supply assets

  • sewerage assets

  • sewage pumping stations

  • vacuum sewerage systems

  • pressure sewerage systems

  • specification for preparing asset information. 

Unitywater Technical Notes to the SEQ Code 

Pr11051 - Use of X Type Maintenance Holes Technical Note 

Pr11085 - Trench Plate Technical Note

Pr11087 - Bridging Structures over Pipes Technical Note

Pr11088 - Thrust Type Dismantling Joint with Separate Adapter Studs Technical Note

Pr11090 - Screw on Flanges Technical Note

Pr11096 - Precast SPS Concrete Wet Well Technical Note

Pr11289 - Use of GRP Members in SPS Wet Wells Technical Note

Go to the SEQ Code website

The following infrastructure standards, specifications and work practices have been developed by Unitywater to complement and expand upon SEQ Code requirements.

The Unitywater Technical Specification Reference Guide provides guidance to the engineering specifications or documents that may be used when undertaking design, construction, commissioning and/or handover of assets.

If you identify a potential conflict between the two sets of requirements, please contact development.services@unitywater.com and request clarification of the issue.


Pr9902 - Specification for Civil and Earthworks (Revision 7.0 - May 2023)

Pr9769 - Specification for Concrete Surface Protection


Pr11211 - Specification for Commissioning and Handover of Active and Passive Assets (Revision 2.0 - Oct 2023)

F8940 - Check Sheet Template Overview and Emergency Storage (Revision 9.0 - September 2024)

F8941 - Check Sheet Template PRVs (Revision 7.0 - September 2024)

F8943 - Check Sheet Template SPSs (Revision 8.0 - September 2024)

F8945 - Check Sheet Template WPSs

F8917 - Worksheet - Overflow and Emergency Storage

F8922 - Worksheet - PRVs

F8924 - Worksheet - SPSs

F8927 - Worksheet - WPSs

As Constructed Information (use for STP only)

Pr8701 - Specification for Asset Information (Revision 11.0 - Sept 2023) 

Pr9032 - Procedure for Managing Water Quality During Mains Commissioning (Revision 10.0 - Nov 2023 - minor change)

F10045 - Water Quality Mains Commissioning Form

Drawing Management

Pr8843 - Specification for Drawing, Document and Equipment Tag Numbering (Revision 10.0 - Sept 2023 - minor change)

Pr10360 - Project Information Requirements


Pr9835 - Electrical Installations at Treatment Plans (Revision 6.0 - Nov 2023 - minor change)

Pr9380 - Electrical Installations at Network Sites (Revision 8.0 - Nov 2023 - minor change)

Pr9913 - Acoustic Enclosed Generators at Unitywater Sites (Supply and Installation) (Revision 7.0 - Nov 2023)

F11280 - Generator Datasheet Template

Pr9914 - Solar Power Supply and Installation of Unitywater site (Revision 6.0 - October 2023)

Pr10618 - Specification for Power Systems Analysis and Arc Flash Studies (Revision 5.0 - August 2023)

Standard Drawings - Electrical


Electrical Symbol Library

UWDSTD-E-DR-9000-01 - Symbol Legend - SLD

UWDSTD-E-DR-9000-02 - Symbol Legend - Schematics - page 1

UWDSTD-E-DR-9000-03 - Symbol Legend - Schematics - page 2

UWDSTD-E-DR-9000-04 - Symbol Legend - General Arrangement

UWDSTD-E-DR-9000-05 - Symbol Legend - Layer Line and Terminal

Single Line Diagrams

UWDSTD-E-DR-9001-31 - SLD - Network - MTS - CT Metered

UWDSTD-E-DR-9001-41 - SLD - Network - MTS - Direct Metered

Three Line Diagrams

UWDSTD-E-DR-9002-31 - 3LD - Network - MTS - CT Metered

UWDSTD-E-DR-9002-41 - 3LD - Network - MTS - Direct Metered

LV Distribution

UWDSTD-E-DR-9003-21 - LV Distribution - Network - Typical LV Distribution

ELV Distribution

UWDSTD-E-DR-9004-21 - ELV Distribution - Network - Typical ELV Distribution

DOL Schematics

UWDSTD-E-DR-9005-42 - DOL - Network - Pump 1 - No Disconnect

UWDSTD-E-DR-9005-44 - DOL - Network - Pump 2 - No Disconnect

Soft Starter Schematics

UWDSTD-E-DR-9005-51 - SS - Network - Danfoss MCD600 - No Disconnect

VSD Starter Schematics

UWDSTD-E-DR-9006-12 - VSD - Network - Danfoss - No Disconnect

Instrument Loop Diagrams

UWDSTD-E-DR-9007-01 - Instrument Loop - Network - Emergency Pump and Overflow

Control System - Network

UWDSTD-E-DR-9011-41 - Control System - Network - Network Communications


Pr9693 - Specification for Mechanical Installations (Revision 12.0 - Aug 2024)

Pr11053 - Specification for Chlorine Dosing Systems Design and Construction (Revision 6.0 - Nov 2023 - minor change)

Pr10852 - Specification for Design and Construction of MHL Dosing Systems (Revision 5.0 - Nov 2023 - minor change)

Pr10999 - Specification for Odour Control Unit Design and Construction (Network) (Revision 6.0 - Feb 2024 - minor change)


Pr11034 - Specification for Trunk Water Mains Design and Construction (Revision 9.0 - August 2024 - minor change)

Pr9875 - Specification for Non-Pressure Pipeline Construction (Revision 14.0 - May 2024)

Pr9904 - Specification for Pressure Pipeline Construction (Revision 18.0 - May 2024)

Pr9085 - Pressure Testing of Sewer Rising and Gravity Mains Work Instruction (Revision 12.0 - June 2024)

Pr9087 - Pressure Testing of Water mains Work Instruction (Revision 8.0 - August 2023 - minor change)


Pr9821 - Specification for Reservoir Design and Construction (Revision 15.0 - Feb 2024 - minor change) 

Safety in Design

Pr8187 - Safety in Design Procedure (Revision 15.0 - Sep 2024 - minor change)

Pr10883 - Safety in Design Guidelines (Revision 8.0 - Sep 2024)

F11016 - UW HAZID Electronic Recording Template

F11017 - UW HAZOP Electronic Recording Template

F11018 - UW CHAZOP Electronic Recording Template

F11019 - UW CHAIR Electronic Recording Template

Sewer Rehabilitation

Pr9770 - Specification for Sewer CCTV Inspection and Laser Profiling (Revision 7.0 - Dec 2023)

Pr9774 - Specification for Sewer Lining and Patch Repair (Revision 7.0 - Dec 2023)

Structural Works

Pr9903 - Specification for Building and Structural Works (Revision 9.0 - Sept 2023)

Trenchless Construction

Pr9787 - Specification for Microtunneling and Pipejacking (Revision 8.0 - Dec 2023)

Pr9788 - Specification for Horizontal Directional Drilling (Revision 11.0 - Dec 2023)

Pr9789 - Specification for Auger Boring (Revision 8.0 - Dec 2023)

Pr9790 - Specification for Pipe Ramming (Revision 7.0 - Dec 2023)

Pr9825 - Specification for Shafts (Revision 10.0 - Sep 2024 - minor change)

Temporary Bypass

Pr10179 Specification for Water Supply Temporary Bypass (Revision 11.0 - Sept 2024)

Pr10661 - Specification for Sewer Temporary Pumped Bypass (Revision 7.0 - Sept 2023 - minor change)

Water Meters

Pr10068 - Specification for Water Meters (Revision 5.0 - Jan 2024)

F8685 - Application to install sub-meters to a new or existing development 

OP8131 - Sub-metering Policy

Pr8132 - Specification for Sub-Metering (Revision 8.0 – Sept 2023) 

Water Quality

Pr9032 - Procedure for Managing Water Quality during Mains Commissioning (Revision 10.0 - Nov 2023 - minor change)

F10045 - Water Quality Mains Commissioning Form 

F9785 - Water Hygiene Field Guide (5 C's)

The performance of water supply and sewerage networks is critically dependent upon the quality of the adopted technical standards and the attributes of the products and materials used in their construction. The appropriate selection of approved products is critical to achieving asset life expectancies, financial performance, operability, serviceability, inventory management, and ultimately community expectations. Only approved products shall be used, unless specific concession is obtained from Unitywater.

For Accepted Civil Infrastructure Products and Materials (IPAM) refer to SEQ Code.

For Accepted Mechanical Infrastructure Products and Materials (IPAM) refer to SEQ Code.

To have new Civil or Mechanical IPAM added to the Accepted IPAM Lists use the process described on SEQ Code and use the Product Appraisal Request Form that can be downloaded from the webpage.

For Accepted Electrical Equipment refer to F10678 - Accepted Electrical Equipment List.

To have new Electrical Equipment added to the Accepted Electrical Equipment List send details of the electrical equipment to products@unitywater.com.

For Accepted Sewage Treatment Plant Equipment refer to F10975 - Preferred Equipment List for Sewage Treatment Plants

To have new Sewage Treatment Plant Equipment added to the Preferred Equipment List for Sewage Treatment Plants send details of the equipment to products@unitywater.com. Please note that this list is it’s infancy so may not include all equipment currently used.

The Connections Administration Manual details Unitywater’s administration processes for connection applications, assessments, approvals, as well as construction and handover of infrastructure constructed by a developer. 

It will help you understand how the SEQ code and Unitywater’s Connections policy are linked together and applied in practice.

Connections Administration Manual (PDF 2.6MB) 

Your application for approval will be assessed in line with the Unitywater Connections policy (as specified in the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009).

The Connections Policy outlines:

  • how to request a service advice notice

  • how to apply for connection approval or amend an approval

  • what to do when an approval lapses

  • the application processing timeframes

  • the approval criteria and conditions for:

  • different categories of connections

  • construction maintenance and defects liability

  • applications to connect outside Unitywater’s connection area (including outside Unitywater’s restricted connection area)

  • the locations where Unitywater provides connection to our infrastructure and intends to extend current infrastructure.

Unitywater's Connection Policy (PDF 409KB)

Accreditation and Certification Submissions

A surcharge will apply for credit card payments (Mastercard and Visa) in the Development Portal. Find out more